October 06, 2012

Ho Hum...

I really REALLY wish I had more things going on these days to talk about. It would make this whole daily blogging thing a heck of a lot easier.


I succeeded in applying for two jobs yesterday. Today is laundry day so that's currently in progress. I'm hoping that I might get two more applications in today, but I might end up going to Salinas again today so who knows.

I really want to see the movie Pitch Perfect which came out into theaters yesterday. I think it looks like an entertaining movie. I just wish I had people in my own demographic (female, in 20s) around to go with who I think would like that movie. I really don't think that mom and David would like it very much. Maybe it will still be in theaters when Krys (and maybe Bethany) will be visiting California later that month. Of course, in an ideal world my interview would turn out great and I would be working on moving to San Francisco by then, so who knows if seeing a movie then would be practical.

I miss the MIIS days when I had more friends around. :/

Hopefully, though, I can get a job and move soon. Then I can establish everything I don't have established now. So tired of the standstill. And watching my bank account balance go down.

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