February 03, 2008

Yay for dream post!

(note irrelevant to this post- I got my interview clothes!!!)

It's been a while since I've been able to write about a dream- entirely because I haven't been remembering them very well lately.

It started off as the usual kind of distressing dream that I would have since... well, forever.

First I'd mess up on something-
In this dream I somehow forgot that I had a meeting with Sekine-sensei on Monday and missed it.

Then someone would get mad at me for some weird reason-
Last night's example was Ann being mad at me because I told her that there would probably be good sales today because it's Super Bowl Sunday and it turned out there weren't sales at all.

And finally someone I consider a friend admits to me that they really don't like me but put up with me to be nice. Here's sort of how that went:

We were in my car and I was driving. We were coming back from somewhere and there was other cars in a caravan with us. After this friend told me that they actually don't like me- we had a discussion kind of like this-

Friend: *saying what their plans are*
Me: And you'd rather me stay home in Prunedale.
Friend: Yes, I'd rather you stay in Prunedale.
Me: Fine. *pulls into parking lot where we would meet the others*

Then I was feeling very emotionally distressed while everyone had to claim all of the things that were left in my car before I could go off and be alone.

Yeeep, standard formula of one of my distressing dreams.

But this one had another strange element.

So I was finally allowed to get in my car and take off. I was upset and decided I wanted to talk to my grandmother, so I drove to a hospital.

(it may be helpful for those of you who don't know that my grandmother's been dead for about 7 years now)

I drove into the parking lot and suddenly realized that it was something like 11-1 o'clock at night.

I walked up to the hospital door, it was open so I walked in. It was PITCH dark in there. Somehow, although I wasn't sure where her room was, I knew it wasn't on the first floor, so I looked for an elevator. I pushed a red button that I found, but realized afterward that it was probably a button someone's supposed to press when they're in dire need of assistance. I stood there for a while so that I could explain my mistake to whoever would come, but no one came so I moved on.

I found the elevator and pushed the button to go up. While waiting, I glanced down the hallway where I could barely see the form of someone walking towards me.

"Hello" I said in the friendliest tone I could muster because I was a little frightened that I couldn't really see this person at all.

The person walked hurriedly past behind me and I thought I saw them wave. I said some sort of comment about how you can't really see people wave in the pitch dark.

Then I saw the person lean over and whisper to someone they were walking with.

I thought it was curious because I only saw one person before.

Then I realized that since it was so late, my grandmother was probably already asleep. I decided to continue on my way to see her anyway, just to check in and see if she was alive.

1 comment:

Phillip Wessels said...

Yay dreams.

Seems like you have some friendship fears? If so, I can relate to you there.

I have a lot of weird dreams myself, unfortunately they're more random than anything else.