February 08, 2008


(actually posted two months after it was actually written)

I'm way too tired right now.

I really can't justify this fatigue- I mean, many people I know have been getting way less sleep than I've been getting and doing a lot more. But, you know, it doesn't really make sense for me to try to explain it- it is as it is. I'm not going to suddenly become wide awake and alert just because I have no reason not to be.

Wow, I don't make much sense, do I?

It's funny- this evening I could swear I got into a conversation in my head with somebody. I mean, that's pretty normal for me- during times I don't blog so much, I find myself imagining conversations with people in my head (I know Sam can relate, because he does much of the same thing.) What was strange about it was that usually the conversations that I think of are mostly be talking (you know, like a blog), but this time it was me listening. And it was a lot more vivid than usual.

I pretty much got an apology that I never expected to get.

So, I know it wasn't real.

But apology accepted.

Wow, I'm really weird. And tired. Weird because I'm tired, probably.

I have Family Guy on TV right now.

I only really turn on the TV when I'm really tired and I need something to stare blankly at.

...so I don't write weird blogs to make people think I'm insane. *nods*

Maybe I don't say this enough (although I always thought I did)-

I really don't care for Family Guy. That show tries too hard to be funny, so it's lame. Yes, everyone- I am dissing Family Guy and I can because my fucking blog, people.

Why am I trying to blog right now?!

Hm. I'll keep going because this is kind of fun.

See, everyone, this is why I am not on AIM right now. How much random shit do you want to hear right now?

I'm rather content at the moment- I'm wearing one of my new pajama pants. Pajama pants make me oddly happy for some reason.

I choose weird reasons to like things anyway- like sometime last week or so, I was in the bathroom at WLC and I found that they put in a table. Just a few days before I was in there ranting to a complete stranger (I'm only quiet around people I know) about how wrong it is that a women's restroom would have to place to put things down in (because it's TRUE!). Anyway, I decided I loved my major because they put a table in the bathroom.


What am I still doing here???????

I'm going to save this as a draft and possibly (not) post it later/sometime tomorrow.


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