February 11, 2008

Looooong day

I'm not the type of person who usually likes to discuss her day, well, in full. I think it's kind of silly. And boring. But I kind of want to remember the crazy hectic-ness and fatigue.

First, I had trouble getting to sleep, so I probably finally dozed off at 3 am or so.

I woke today at 8 to call doctor's office to see if I could go in today to talk to my doctor. I was surprised to hear that they actually had an appointment open at 8:50- I had expected that they wouldn't have any openings and that I could go back to sleep.
So I went and my mom tagged along so that the three of us could talk about all that has been ailing me.
After that, I went home and had the rest of my breakfast (I only felt like eating a banana before I left), then I brought my car for an oil change then went back to the doctor's so that they could draw blood from me for a few tests and get a vitamin B12 shot. Sadly, they couldn't take blood for one of the tests I'm requiring, so I was told I had to go to Salinas for that. I got my B12 and went to the car repair place to get my car.

-Surprisingly- the people weren't total assholes at the car repair place as they would usually be to me-- probably because I wasn't by myself.

Then I went back home and hung out there until 1:30- I drove to Salinas to try to get a passport-like photo of me required for the JET interview. Unfortunately, the place I was planning on getting that done at wouldn't do that today, so I moved on to getting my arm poked with the second needle of the day (the first was the B12, if you're counting.)

They ended up taking 8 vials of my blood. Ugggh, I really don't like the thought of my blood being taken from veins. *cringe*

I felt kind of lightheaded after that, so I bought a doughnut.

Then I drove to Marina and got my picture taken at Walgreens.

Then I had my hour long class.

Went home, laid in bed for a short while.

Broke up fighting cats outside.

Made dinner because my mom isn't feeling well.

Helped clean up afterwards, as usual.

Wrote a blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a crazy, hectic day. Getting blood drawn is never fun. :-P Hopes for a needle-less day tomorrow.