February 09, 2008

Tired of the redness

That blog title is a bit late. I've been tired of my eyes turning red for a very long time now.

I woke up this morning and my eyes are red- especially my left one today (usually my right eye is the one that really acts up.) I didn't wear contacts since last time my eyes really acted up- so I have NO IDEA what the deal is here.

Just to ward off any annoying suggestions that might be coming my way from blog post: Since last October when this problem started, I've been on about 4 different kinds of eye drops, tried new allergy medicine, and talked to both an eye doctor and my regular physician about it. So don't give me suggestions unless you either a) had an identical problem and you know a really great cure; or b) You're a physician or an eye doctor. Other comments, of course, are welcome.

Wow- I'm crabby. Sorry, waking with my eye like this AGAIN put me in a really bad mood.

Going to go talk to an eye doctor again soon, it seems.


I was trimming my bangs today and little pieces of hair fell into my eye. It hurt sooooo bad. :(


I did a really tired blog last night. I only saved it as a draft- maybe I'll put it up sometime, but I haven't really taken the time to look at it enough to decide whether I want to post it.

I really don't like to read what I write. Basically, this means that I fail to proofread most of the time. When I'm in writing classes and I have to proofread what I wrote, I seriously spend at least a half an hour moping about it at my computer before starting.

Sooo... that's enough for now.

My blogging has slowed in pace- it's still happening, just not necessarily everyday. It's not because I'm trying to slow down, or anything, but I'm glad because I know people sometimes have better things to do that to read my blog. (I know, hard to believe, right?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the redness darling. Obviously, the doctors are just as confused at the cause as you are.

And if I had a cure for you, I'd happily share it with you.