April 06, 2008

Having nothing to do...

...makes me feel oddly unease. Probably because I'm so used to having so much to do.

It makes me wonder what I am forgetting.

Anyway, I found this on a random blog the other day---

(Sorry I don't feel like resizing pictures...)

A) Answer the questions below

B) Take each answer and type it into Photobucket

C) Take a picture from the FIRST page of results, copy and paste the html code.

D) You cant copy the persons answers who posted this before you!

1. The age you will be on your next birthday:

2. A place you would like to visit:

3.Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite object:

5. Your favorite food

6.Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:

8. The town in which you were born:

10.Your nickname:

12.Your last name:

13. Favorite Song:


Unknown said...

I love the picture of where you were born. Cows. haha.

But don't get the nickname picture. Except everything is blue.

Love the green shot though.

Julia said...

Yeah, you have to pick a picture from the first page of results, so it doesn't always make much sense.

The color blue has absolutely no relation to the nickname.

LOL, I love the cow picture, too.