April 24, 2008

Blog blog

To the left of my bloggings is my blog archive- something I hadn't really payed too much attention to previously.

6 blogs in January- that makes since because I started the blog in late January.
16 blogs in February
16 blogs in March
And so far 8 (or 9 once I post this) blogs in April.

It's almost the end of the month too.

I guess I haven't been posting as much here as usual. I guess since the JET anxiety went down, I've had that much less to talk about. Plus I've sort of picked up the habit of writing things down in notebooks in the middle of the night again.

1~3 am thoughts aren't really a smart thing to share.

Saito-sensei is out of town, so most of my classes are cancelled today- except cinema. I guess we have two more movies left in that class and then we're going to have to do group work. I am definitely not looking forward to watching numerous group presentations that late in the day.

Only a little over 3 weeks until I graduate. Oh, I forgot to mention before that it's possible to watch the graduation ceremony on the internet. You know, in case you're somewhere random- like Montana or something. :) I think the web address to go to is csumb.edu/grad, but I'll check that later.

Anyway, this made me laugh today.


fanficaholic said...

awesome! I'll try to watch you!

Julia said...

Yaaaaay! Great!