March 21, 2008

You're old!

People who are getting into good lifelong careers are your age.

People your age are getting awards not meant for children, but on an adult level.

If you get your blood drawn for testing, the person who draws it might not be a day older than you are.

You put on a nice shirt, pants, and heels and you drive to work getting annoying at slow drivers.

REAL job interviews.


You finally understand that the extent to which you were so young a few years ago although at the moment you would have completely denied it.

Mentality is so different than it was a few years ago.

It's not like you're super serious, it's just different. Not bad, not good. Probably actually more on the good side.

The mindset of a twenty-something.

Isn't it amazing?

When exactly did we get here?


Unknown said...

I don't exactly know when I got here, but can I go back?

Julia said...

Why? :D

Unknown said...

Because I'm the girl who never wants to grow up. :-P