March 25, 2008


Yesterday, I was exercising with my mom and she was reminding me to breathe while on the machines. It was true that on the 30 second intervals in which I was on any particular machine, I was, for the most part, holding my breath.

I'm not sure why, though. But even when I was in high school, I would sort of hold on my breath while walking between classes.

So yesterday I was thinking a lot about when to inhale and when to exhale. It kind of ruined my concentration.

Today, I was reading my script for my capstone midterm which I have to present on Friday. It was very difficult to read because many of the sentences in my script didn't seem to have a place in it to pause for a breath. The way I was reading was kind of awkward, I guess, because I didn't know when I was supposed to breathe. So then later I sat down with Yoriko-san and she read through my paper with me and put in commas where I should pause for breath.

The more I think about it, the more true it is- I really do need to learn how to breathe.

Anyway, today was pretty awesome.

I found more good tea!

Yeah, you know how I am about tea. :D


Unknown said...

I actually tend to breathe really weird when I'm reading. For some odd reason, I hold my breathe at intervals and then breathe it all out at once like a sigh/gasp. Not sure why. My mom gets all freaked out about when she hears me doing it.

Breathing is a good thing.

Julia said...

Yeah, total agreement on that one.