December 24, 2008

Good tidings we bring, wherever you are

Merry Christmas, everyone!

It's 11:22 am on Christmas day here and it's pretty uneventful. I am staying with my former host family in Tokyo. Because Christmas is not a national holiday here, the older of the two kids still had to go to school.

It's kind of neat to spend Christmas with kids who are still young enough to believe in Santa. The older son doesn't really believe in Santa anymore, but the younger one certainly seems to. This morning, I asked him if Santa came and he told me in all seriousness that Santa did, indeed, come and he got a present from him.

It's different from the US, each kid just got one present and there was no stockings or anything. I guess it pays off to leave a carrot for Rudolph along with the cookie for Santa.

Unrelated to Christmas, but my computer is falling apart presently. I can still use it, but it's hard to open and close and the left side of the keyboard isn't registering all of my keystrokes. I think it was rather considerate of my computer to break in a way that I can still use it, I haven't lost access to any files, and I get to see the a little bit of the inside of my computer.

Anyway, thinking I'll buy a new one when I get back to Kagoshima. I am thinking that I will get a mac because a windows machine might be a pain because of regional software differences. I heard that macs don't have that problem. But- if you know anything on the topic, please drop me a line.

Anyway, my focus is bad, so I'll end this blog here.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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