December 17, 2008


I've been feeling bummed lately. Time has been going too slow.

I am afraid I am in my usual December BLAH mood only maybe a little bit worse this year.

My feeling down/depressed/blah isn't too big of a deal (even to me) because I always know that in a little while, I'll be back to normal again.

But-- if you want to drop me a line or something to try to cheer me up, I would be most grateful.

Thanks. :)

I'm heading up to Tokyo on Sunday for Christmas and New Years. I am pretty sure a change of scenery will do me a world of good.

Haha- I almost typed "a world of food".

Wow, now I can't concentrate on this blog anymore because I keep trying to imagine something doing me "a world of food".

*dies laughing*
*no wait, she doesn't, she's at work. sigh.*

Two weeks off of work is going to be amazing.

1 comment:

Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

Take care of yourself Jul-face. Atleast until I can get a web cam so I can constantly cheer you up with my face!