October 15, 2008

I want to remember

One year ago now, I was starting my JET application.

Wow. What a year.

This dawned on me because a former roommate of Danny`s has been messaging me on facebook asking questions about applying for JET. It got me thinking about the initial application deadline and I realized all of the sudden that it WAS around this time last year.

Time has been kind of funny to me ever since I moved here, actually.

I just finished reading a reply on that thread when suddenly the day that I found out that I had gotten into JET popped into my head.

I looked at my blog to see what I wrote about it and it wasn`t an awful lot.

At the time, I was a little thrown off by the wording "short list" and the anxiety that I might lose somehow from the past months hadn`t yet worn off. I wasn`t up for a victory blog right then.

So, because I want this to be here for me to read sometime, I`ll write about it here.

It was April. In a very JET-like fashion, I was told that I would hear from JET in "early April." The very day it became April, I spent most of my free time in front of my computer refreshing my email. Of course, I was completely aware that Gmail refreshes itself, but I wanted to know the outcome as soon as physically possible. So, the 4th of April rolled in and I was in the kitchen at WLC watching my email like a hawk, when, all of the sudden, it came!

I almost didn`t believe my eyes. But there it was. I opened the email feeling certain that the internet at the school would crash randomly right then, but instead it went smoothly. I read the first lines of the email a few times before registering that "short list" meant "yes, you`re in" provided that I turn in all of the appropriate paperwork.

I immediately called Ann knowing that she would want to know the outcome of her application, left her a voicemail, then a text message.

Then I called just about everyone I could think of!

I paced around the kitchen, my mind in a complete daze as I talked to everyone. Then I wandered around restlessly until I went to class (early).

Meg was there, but unlike most days, Ann wasn`t with her. The minute Ann walked in, I said "Check your email!" I remember she was visibly shaking as she logged in and I could relate to the feeling completely. She got in, too!

It feels kind of silly to replay this now since that was a little over 6 months ago (it feels like longer...), but I know that I`ll enjoy reading this again 2 years from now or so.

/pointless blog

(btw, does anyone actually -know- why I often end blogs with "/blog" or am I the only nerd who comes across the blog... ever?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was one of those people you called!! Yay me!