October 18, 2009


Ugggggh... I have a cold. It's not really a bad one- if there was something in particular I had to do or wanted to do, I could do it. But, besides a little bit of shopping to try to get a Halloween costume together, I can't think of anything in particular.

So I have been just sitting here all day at this computer. Watching a loooot of youtube.


I've been entertaining myself by complaining about stupid things. I like doing that. With the head cold, the things I come up with to complain about are even more pointless and silly.

I kind of want to do something, but at the same time, I don't think I'll get better if I push myself too much today. Maybe I'll find a movie to watch. I watched Something Wicked this Way comes last night because I finished the book yesterday and I just happened to stumble upon the fact there was a movie. I liked the book --a lot-- better.

"achoo!" says my nose. I do not appreciate that comment.

"How dare you, nose!" I say and I slap it across it's face.

Except not.

The "Something Wicked This Way Comes" movie is from the 80s- for some reason quite a few of the movies I've watched lately are from that decade. I am not quite sure why. I guess I just don't care if a movie is old or not when I choose to watch it.

Where is this blog going?????

I want to post funny blogs again... or whatever those older blogs were. I almost spelled "blogs" as "brogs"- so Japanese. X(

I can't decide if I feel more gross or bored. -_-

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