October 11, 2009

Here and there

My brain was basically filled to the brim with blog ideas for most of the day today, then I finally get around to logging in here and I draw a complete and total blank.

I would I could telepathically blog. Like if I could use a computer in my head anytime, anywhere.

Wow, I think I just chose my super power of choice. Screw teleportation! :)

It's been an uneventful weekend- other than a party I went to on Friday evening, I've spent pretty much the entire time sitting around at home, doing laundry, cleaning, etc. Tomorrow, I am planning on going to the city and shopping a little bit- it's a holiday, after all.

Tomorrow is also the Ijuin town sports festival, but (like last year) no one thought to invite me for anything, so I don't see any reason to go. So, I think I will go shopping tomorrow instead. Believe me, it will be a lot more appropriate for "Heath and Sports Day" than what I did last year- I spent the entire day in front of my computer.

The weather has been absolutely wonderful lately- I know I need to enjoy it while I still can. It's going to get very, very cold again soon, after all. The sky has been a pretty amazing blue color and the clouds have been awe inspiring (this, of course, coming from someone who LOVES clouds.)

Best of all, it's sweater weather. Sometimes I can even get away with wearing a light jacket or even just a short sleeved shirt- I LOVE weather that allows that much flexibility.

(Of course, I do, I'm from Salinas/Monterey...)

Sadly, it won't last.

My mood has been kind of odd these days, I've been feeling pretty good about myself appearance-wise- I've been experimenting with make up and just having fun with it. I honestly don't feel like I really need it, though. On the other hand (this is the odd part), my overall confidence is not exactly gone, but I'd say it's at least been tipped over onto it's side. My confidence feels a little ill, I guess. My Japanese flute, which I can barely put down after picking up usually hadn't been touched in days (I started feeling like I'll never get good at it) and just thinking about grad school is kind of freaking me out.

I'm still going to the gym across the street from my apartment- maybe not as frequently as I should be, but I do enjoy it. It's just across the street, so it's not a big deal to decide randomly to push myself to get over there at around 8:30 pm and exercise for about an hour. Having an ipod, of course, makes this 10 times easier.

This blog has been just about everywhere, so here's a random tidbit-

Apparently every blue eyed person can be traced genetically to one person who lived less then 10,000 years ago.

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