October 21, 2009

Kind of random

I'm posting this with the assumption that the people who read this blog are people who love me.

Here's a list I suddenly decided to write of the things I want to with my life (at this time, anyway... this list will probably change bit by bit.)

- learn to portray myself better to people who don't know me so well
- take part in making the lives of less privileged people around the world a little better.
- always be moving, changing, growing, and marching to my own drum.
- take an active stand against nuclear weapons and other war methods that harm innocent civilians (or at least be on the team or staff of someone who is).
- learn how to express my thoughts and tell stories well. (And confidently)
- adopt a child (children?) instead of having my own. I just really feel when the time comes, there will already be a lot of children out there who need a safe place to live.-
become well known just enough so that I can go talk shows and tell some people to their faces that they are a**holes (although I'll put it in a slightly more civilized manner).
- learn how to make the people I talk to feel very important (put less importance on myself).
- be a mediator.
- take in foster children. Those kids are usually put through so much and are sometimes not the easiest to relate to, but I just want to be one of those people who are there for them anyway.
-become an amazing person


fanficaholic said...

Aww, I like! Go Team Julia!! You are an amazing person!

mysteria456 said...

Impressive goals. I wish you luck.

Very true about adopting and fostering kids. There are SO many kids who need homes.