I am sure everyone has been paying attention to the blog archive on the left side of this page and have already noticed that I was getting rather close to posting the 100th blog since switching back to blogger.
No? No one noticed? Well- I did!
One of my favorite thing about this blog is that I choose to blog here on my own. On top of that, I have people who willingly read it without me having to nag them to. I remember really trying to get friends to read my old blogspot before finally getting a livejournal.
"I actually got a live journal! Yes, I am still a blogger-person, but I decided to come here so people will feel obliged to read all my blabbing!" -first livejournal post
Kind of a miserable attitude.
And, of course, I followed the herd to MySpace. Sure, I liked LiveJournal and MySpace during their times. However, for some time on MySpace I kind of felt like my blogging was just going to end up moving to the next place everyone else moved. I didn't really like that idea. Plus, I was starting to really dislike myspace in general.
So, I came here. And this time readers followed. Yay! It's sooo nice to have people read my blog without me having to insist. So, THANK YOU!
I looked at past entries and I realized that they show I went through a pretty crazy time. A good number of blogs I posted have to do with the issues applying for JET, graduating/capstone project, and the problem I've been having with my eyes. Then eventually preparing for moving to Japan and then getting here. Lots of changes and stress.
Although, I suppose you could probably take a little over 9 months of -anyone's- life, look at what they did, and think "wow, that's a lot of things going on with that person."
Some of my favorite blogs here include the one where I talked about watching a squirrel get run over because I remember trying SO hard not to make the post funny (although I was slightly traumatized) and the one where I described getting a mole removed (because I compared my numbed arm to a plum being nibbled on by a bird and I made up the phrase "ex-mole").
Finally, because I like to keep track of ridiculous things-
-The end of January will mark one year on this blogspot page.
-On November 16th, it will have been 5 years since I started blogging.
-On all of my public blogs combined (old blogspot, livejournal, myspace, and here), I will have 782 entries posted after I post this one.
Current Blogspot - 100
MySpace - 402
Livejournal - 125
Old Blogspot - 155
I -could- aim for having my 800th blog land on my 5 years blogging date, but I probably wouldn't make it. :D
I just realized this means that I don't blog an average of 56.16% of the days of the year.
/100th blog
Julia I miss you! I can't wait till you come back from Japan or to just visit!!! We definitely need to hang out!!! :)
Are you counting you Julia in Japan blog with your blog statistics? Cuz you *could* be over 800 if you didn't count that blog too... XD
Ah, good point, K'Stina.
I have 13 posts in the JinJ blog. That brings the total to 795. So yeah, I -could- actually do the 800 blogs in 5 years thing.
ooo...good looking out Krys. I can't believe Julia didn't count that one. {{gasp}}
Yea, blogging is fun and interesting. My first online journal was when I was a freshman in high school and that was a long, LONG time ago. I don't go back and read them very often but I should. I would probably find it rather interesting.
I was focusing on counting my regular blogs rather than team-up or private ones, so JinJ slipped my mind.
How many blogs have you posted, Bethany?
Congrats on 100
I don't even know how many blogs I've written. I don't count. I deleted my xanga and my old livejournal, so even my numbers will be off. But I don't think it's close to 800.
796- JinJ: Colds, stoves, ringshaped lightbulbs, and videos!
797- Here: My moles hate me and a random reminder
798- JinJ: Samurai and Ijuin Town
799- Cold? Yes, cold.
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