September 04, 2008


Blogging has been very inconvenient these days. I think of things to write about, but when I finally get to internet at work, I just really don`t feel like writing a blog.

It`ll be better when internet is in my apartment.

MUCH better.

So teaching started this week. So far so good. I like actually DOING something for my job and, given that it IS a job, it`s rather fun.

Some classes contain students who don`t seem to want to do anything but stare blankly at me, while most of them have really fun students who interact (although sometimes a tad much.) I don`t have to pay for lunches because I get them for free from the school. Pretty awesome, right?

Not that I am short on money these days at all.

Believe me, my mind is boggled trying to wrap my brain around what I can afford.I`m not saying I`m rich or anything, but it certainly feels like it having a nice phone and a good car and calculating and recalculating over and over to find that- yes, I -can- afford this.

My job is ridiculously great.

I have been driving to all of my schools so far, which makes me worry about gas costs, but I couldn`t possibly be driving as much as I did in the California, so it can`t be that bad.

Still, though, I definitely plan to try to get myself to be able to ride a bicycle again. Somehow I just don`t trust my ability to balance. I`m sure I have one because I`m 5`6 and I wear size 6 1/2 shoes and I haven`t randomly toppled over yet (...for that reason, anyway.)

Today (tomorrow for you folks back home) is my brother`s birthday, so I made my first international call with my cell phone and got a group of Japanese middle school students to sing happy birthday to his answering machine with me. It was great fun.

Today is also Danny`s birthday, but international calls are expensive. So... if you read this Danny- nothing (too) personal!

Although he probably won`t read this anyway.

I guess I`ll call this a blog. :D


Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

Thanks for the call Jul face!

Unknown said...

Sounds like things are going good! Glad you like the job and glad you're having fun. What is it like driving on the other side of the road? Crazy weird, I'm sure.

Aw well. Poor Danny. But Happy Birthday for Jesse!

Anonymous said...

I read things! Sometimes... like way after they're

Julia said...

Agggh, who is anonymous?

The exclamation point after "I read things!" ooozes Sam to me, but why would he be anonymous?

Julia said...

Mystery solved- the anonymous poster was DANNY!