May 07, 2008


1) I have a little bit more than a week left before I graduate.
2) I still haven't received my assignment of where I am going to live in Japan.
3) I have a cold. It's mostly in my head. This morning, I was woken up by a horrible headache at around 6 and I couldn't get back to sleep until around 8. Then I slept in even though I really didn't want to.
4) I saw a squirrel get hit by a car yesterday. :( I mean, I've seen squirrels running around the road and I've seen dead squirrels on the road, but I ever saw the part when the squirrel actually died before. It was the car in front of me so I pretty much saw everything. I'm weird that I didn't have any appetite for meat during dinner because of that. Dinner was chicken, by the way- no relation to squirrel. Anyway, it made me sad. RIP squirrel.
5) It's weird that with all the stuff I have going on, the longest thing I wrote so far was about a squirrel.
6) Apparently it's weird that I think people should sign a single card all in the same color. Unless, of course, it's supposed to be signed in all kind of different colors. Is it weird that it irks me a little bit if a bunch of people sign a card in black and then someone comes along and signs in blue? I guess it is weird.

That is all for now. (I suppose)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would be really sad about the squirrel too. Once I ran over and already dead raccoon, and I was VERY sad. Boo-boo face status. Krys was there...she saw it!