May 06, 2009

I don't remember disliking high school...

I have a notebook for a specific purpose. Well, actually, it's more of a folder because it fell apart.

Strange opening sentence to this blog, but I couldn't think of a better way to start it.

I wrote three pages in it as a semi-troubled high school senior in 2004. Then I forgot about it, found it again, and wrote a two page reply in 2006. The same thing happened again in 2008. The interesting thing about reading these pages over time is that every time it's a little more interesting. Each time the way of thinking and the setting becomes more foreign to me.

I read the notebook/folder last night trying to take my mind off of crazy things that I was obsessing over. There was one part of my 2004 entry that kind of surprised me. I wrote something along the lines of "if I have to be in high school much longer, I'll claw my eyes out". It surprised me because I don't remember disliking high school that much. It also surprises me that I don't recall finding that part strange in 2006 or 2008.

Maybe my vague memory of what my impressions were as a high school student have been transformed a little by the fact that I teach now. *gigantic shrug*

Did I dislike high school? Obviously, I was kind of tired of it near the end, but I don't quite remember that either. Was it all having to do with friend drama or was that just part of it?

Knowing me, the fact that I don't remember just means that it probably sucked.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea, I know what you mean. I don't remember hating high school that much at all. But I know it happened!