February 24, 2009

Gobly gook

"Maybe it'll mean I'll blog more. :)"

It's been about 9 days since I posted that sentence. I guess I haven't really been posting more.

Anyway, my excuse these past few days is a head cold (I wrote "cold head" before). Before that? Well, I don't know.

This week, I had trouble with my office internet. That was finally fixed today when I spoke up about. I felt bad about it though, getting people to stop their work to fix my internet when they KNOW that I don't use the internet for work related purposes.

Out of complete and utter boredom on Monday, I opened up a word document and just started writing whatever came to my head.

I wrote things like-

"Roar, I’m not doing anything and I am not even progressing at doing nothing. Yes, I just roared. I decided to speak dinosaur. I am fluent in dinosaur."


"Woo! I am almost on the third page. The third page! I know, I am repeating myself like I am channeling the two unicorns from Charlie the Unicorn. We’re going on an adventure, Charlie! Yeah, Charlie, an adventure! We’re on a bridge, Charlie! It’s a magical leoplorodon Charlie. By the way, I don’t know how to spell leoplorodon. The word document tells me I misspelled the word, but it has no suggestions. Worthless piece of junk! I broke my spell check on my laptop during finals fall semester 2006. I was taking both a Japanese pop culture class and a Mayan civilizations class. I was writing two papers for those classes and I was adding so many words to the dictionary (not to mention all of the jibberish I used to add just out of boredom). So, the dictionary ran out of space. Isn’t that amazing. I bet you never heard of someone managing to break his or her spell check."

And then I got bored and started writing lyrics entirely out of memory.

I think the song "No Air" is funny because sometimes in the song, they sing something that sounds like "eh ah" instead of the word "air". Anyway, this is what I wrote-

“Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no eh-ah. Can’t live can’t breathe with no eh-ah. It’s how I feel when I know you ain’t neh-ah. No air no air. Tell me how somethingaboutwater so deep. Tell me how are you gonna be without me. If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe, there’s no air, no air. No eh-ah! Eh-ah.”


I am very good at both intentionally and unintentionally messing up song lyrics.

Does anyone have any requests?

I still have a head cold (almost typed "cold head" again) and I can't think.


Snapkins said...

my brother says the EXACT same thing about the "air" in No Air!

Unknown said...

Yup, I think you are the first to break your spell check. Congratulations!!!

Julia said...

Sam- Well, that's because we're both geniuses. :D

Bethany- Everyone should feel this accomplished at some point of their lives.

Julia said...

No eh ah! Eh ah! ;)