February 15, 2009

My fresh, new world full of pollen.

Today, somehow, the world seems a fresher, newer, and somehow a lot better than it has been in a very long time.

Sitting in this office, I feel in a lot better of a mood here than I have in a very long time.

Although, truthfully, today is looking like it will be what would usually be my least favorite kind of work day here. Still- I feel so much lighter today than usual.

Whatever this is now, I really REALLY want to stick with it.

Maybe it'll mean I'll blog more. :)

I'm wondering now- why was I so angry and upset for such a long time?

I logged on AIM a little while ago so that I could share my good mood with Krystina. I figure with her usual availability on AIM during my work hours, she usually ends up hearing the worsts of my bad moods. Like a very awesome friend, she listens to them. :)

But, I think she's still enjoying her vacation. Oh well.

Both Krystina and Sam were on planes on Friday the 13th. Isn't that crazy?

I just realized that I drank my entire morning green tea on my desk without noticing it.

OK, focusing again.

Yesterday, I was in my extra room trying to work out bedding for having people over next month and I realized "hey, how should I expect to have other people SLEEP in here, when I don't like to be in here for more than 5 minutes.

It's true. though, because I hardly even use the room, I often forget that it even exists. Months ago, I had a dream that someone moved into that room without me knowing it and it disturbed me because I had almost completely forgotten that room at the time.

So yesterday, I started working on trying to make it livable. For one thing, I left the window open most of the day and then put in an air freshener near the end of the day to get rid of the stuffiness.

Yesterday was an excellent day to do something about stuffiness and air ciculation, because for some reason, I had some kind of hypersensitivity to it yesterday. I got into my car and thought it was too stuffy, too. So, for the first time since I got the car, I kept the windows open while driving (I never really did that with my cars in the US either.)

Maybe the stuffiness in my car and house was what was wearing me out?

Anyway, Spring seems to have come early and the pollen levels are high. It probably would have been more ideal if I decided to become a fan of opening windows BEFORE the entire outside world became something I am allergic to. Of course, it was freezing before that. *gigantic shrug*

Maybe it was the cold that had me down...

Oh yeah, one last thing- this month I pay my last car payment! Woo hoo!

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