As you are aware, when it comes to dear friends, you are certainly one of my dearest.
Which is why I believe that I have discovered a new brand of cruelty when I looked at my facebook requests and found this---
Yes, an invite from you to add a "Best Friends" app.
Now, if anyone ever asked me if I consider you to my one of my bests, I would definitely, without hesitation say "yes."
But THIS is a Facebook application.
I feel guilt eating at my very soul every time I reject an application invite for something promoting a worthy cause like world hunger or global warming or telling me that someone was nice enough to send a little virtual gift my way.
I bet the picture is going to be small. Let's discuss the wording of this invite.
"Hey, I added you to my Best Friends because you are important to me and I want to receive updates on your status updates, new photos, and birthday. Could you do me a favor and add this application and add all your best friends too, so we can find out which ones we have in common!"
The button to confirm the request reads: "Sure, I'll be your best friend".
It's like if I decline or ignore the request, I'm saying we're not best friends.
That is so WRONG!
My question to you, my friend, is "WHY?"
How did this vile application with it's horrible guilt ridden request wording coerce you into playing into it's evil, EVIL scheme?
So, with that said, I am going to ignore that application request. Not decline- ignore.
But know that I am doing it for the sake of all that is sanity, friendship, and not promoting the facebook application insanity.
Your friend,
(Of course this is to be taken lightly. I actually had a hard time keeping it as serious as it was because I was enjoying writing it. It was ALMOST as fun as my Across the Universe note on Facebook ;) )
You DON'T Lovee MEE?!? *sob* You don't like me enough to show all of facebook that we're BEST FRIENDS?!
Lol, no worries, I actually only added it cuz someone else added me and I wanted to see what all it did. =P
So there!
Brilliant Julia. I love it.
And I ignored the facebook app as well because I hate facebook apps. Sounds like you need to find better Best Friends Krys. We don't love you enough to add crap facebook apps for you.
I think this was one of the funniest posts I've ever read.
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