August 12, 2008

Life life life

(Entry edited to fix COMPLETELY inaccurate information)

So since I last posted here, the Tokyo orientation finished and I`ve been here at my placement in Kagoshima prefecture for about a week.

Basically, I can`t really do anything without a `Foreigner Registration Card` which should be getting here sometime between soon and not so soon.

Then and only THEN can I get internet in my apartment, get a cell phone, and soooo many other things that will help make my life easier and overall better.

Until then, I`m doing good.

I heard from some other JETs that they don`t have internet at their offices, so during this period of waiting for their cards, they`re completely without internet.

Can you imagine waiting this whole time for another blog from me???


Don`t answer that.

At first, I couldn`t figure out how to get my television to work, but a few days ago I finally figured it out. I guess it wasn`t really complicated or anything.

But since then, I`ve had the television on all of the time when I`m at home. I even sometimes take notes of things I see in commercials that might be useful for me so that I can maybe find them more easily in the store.

Yesterday, I watched a television show where people who are announcers by occupation were contestants in a guys vs. girls contest. It was really a fun thing to watch even though I didn`t know who any of the people were.

Then I watched a pretty corny detective drama. The main character is this young-ish guy who seems to be the run of the mill good guy with a strong sense of justice.

I was doing laundry and other things during this show, so my understanding of the plot line was kind of choppy.

Anyway, during one part, a woman and some bad guy are having some kind of standoff with guns. The woman is about to pull the trigger when some other guy decides to, although he does NOT have a gun but seems to carry some kind of pole instead (no, not a kendo stick, a POLE), intervene and ends up getting shot.

Then next time I was watching again, the young main character was there with the woman and was talking to the bad guy.

Bad guy: *looks pretty evil* You really believe?
Young main character: *confidentally* Yes, I believe.
BG: *breaks into hysterical laughter*

The following part does not fit into my idea of detective show...

The bad guy takes out a sword... long knife... thing, the young main character is unarmed. They move forward to attack each other and some kind of... imaginary sword appears in the main character guy`s hand. Anyway, he`s unharmed by the real sword, but the bad guy is hurt. He recovers, looks at the good guys with a really pouty expression, then takes off.



Yeah, it was kind of a funny show.

Anyway, I`ve been logging on daily onto AIM via meebo at work and hanging out on facebook chat quite a lot, so you can probably catch me on there if you want to chat. I get off of work at around 4:15 pm my time, that`s 12:15 am in California, so I`m usually around most of the evening. At least until school starts in September.

Oh, I`m going to be out of town next week, too.

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