August 25, 2008


1 - ichi
7 - nana
3 - san
9 - kyuu

ichinana sankyuu
iinaa sankyuu
iinaa thank you
that`s great, thank you

Japanese is amazing.

The closest thing we have in English to that, I think, is gr8t instead of great- which isn`t even a fraction as amazing as 1739 in Japanese.

I think that when I get my Japanese cell phone, I`m going to have 1739 as part of the email address.

It`s been a while since I last posted at this blog. I was out of town all of last week at orientation and at the cultural center in Kanoya (KAPIC). It`s good to be back. Classes start again next week and I might be buying a car pretty soon. I believe I also have a cell phone in my near future sometime as soon as I get my foreigner registration card. Internet at the apartment could follow about 2 weeks after that. My Japan life is really starting to come together.

...Although I just realized that I forgot to take out the trash today.


...hmmm... what to do with that trash for one week......

I have some spoiled pork I could really appreciate getting rid of.

Plus I already defeated the first round of fruit flies.

I`ll work it out. Some way or another, that bag will be out of my apartment come tomorrow.

...I hope.

I heard at the prefecture orientation something about sneaking your trash into a can at a convenience store. But that would mean I would have to be seen walking around with my trash first.

And no, there`s no can or dumpster outside of my apartment building to put trash during the week. There is really no place to put trash other than on the day that we`re supposed to put out the certain kind. Tuesday is `burnable trash' day. Burnable trash contains food, which can smell after a while. I am NOT happy about missing burnable trash day.

Boy, did this blog completely change directions when I remembered that.

I can`t even remember what more I was going to say.

39 very much for reading. You are all g8.


Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

that number thing lost me, maybe I'm dumb...hhmmm

Snapkins said...


oh MAN!


I laughed SO hard at that 1739 thing

that's great, thank you

oh man, what a jolly year that was, and I had no idea...!!!!

snapkins <3's japanese x1,000,000


kinda like


lol the power of language