April 05, 2009


So I am back at work now.

I took my mom to where she could get on a bus to Kagoshima airport.

Now I have to come up with something new to look forward to... :)

Anyway, I haven't posted here a lot because I've been busy preparing for, showing around, and cleaning up after guests.

I had a chance to see a lot of really cool places not too far from here and now I feel like I know my town and Kagoshima city a lot better. I used to be really hesitant to use buses in the city, but now I feel like I can do so confidently.

I decided I am going to write about nearby touristy places in my next Julia in Japan blog.

Last night after we ate dinner in Kagoshima city, my mother and I lured Aya over to my apartment with the invitation to eat some cake we bought earlier. We ended up spending about 2 hours (seemed like it!) pondering the earth's orbit, the speed of planes, and the lapse of time.

My mom has been wondering how it is that some people can see the sunrise twice when flying to Japan from the US. It's really, REALLY complicated. The more you think about it, the more it doesn't make sense.

Let me know if you have any ideas. I am going to be posting pictures from our long discussion on facebook and I'll provide explanation of what we got so far. :D

We were laughing a lot, it was a really good time.

Anyway, back to "real life" now.

I've got a dull work week ahead of me, but it's April now and I am looking forward to the fresh new school year.

I felt sad saying good bye to my mom, but really I am feeling energized, happy, and ready to go thanks to her visit.

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