Two more semesters left of school. 12 more credits this semester and the next and I will have a masters degree. I feel like time has gone by so fast and there is no way it's going to get any slower anytime soon.
So much to think about these days. I know I need to find a part time (preferably work study) job, but I can't help but be much more concerned with what's coming post-MIIS graduation instead. Where should I look for a job? Can I stay on the West coast? Will I have the luxury of picking where at all? Would I be able to get a job that is enough for me to make my monthly student loan payments?
...and there's also that impulse that kind of wants to look into Halloween costumes. *cringe*
I have been dedicating a lot of time to extra-curriculars hoping to really give my resume a boost. I joined the STOP Anti-Human trafficking club and I am being more active in the Conflict Resolution Association club. I am also on the core team to put together a Conflict Resolution conference for spring semester. I am also considering contacting the Monterey College of Law and see if they still want me to do volunteer small claims mediation at the county court. I'm hoping that doing all of these things will make up for the fact that I've pretty much decided against doing the internship program for my last 12 credits.
In other news, I LOVE my new apartment. I'll admit that it is one of the reasons I decided to stay in the area for this year. I am really close to school, Trader Joe's Walgreens, and the weekly farmer's market, so there is really no urgent need to drive anywhere. I also really like living with my friend Tina and having a place where I can have friends over. Last Wednesday, I hosted a pizza night/study group for some people in one of my classes and on Thursday, Tina and I hosted wine night once again. I wouldn't do any of these things at my old place! I am also making friends with the next door neighbors and there's a cute but kinda creepy cat on my street that always stares at me when I walk by. I am actually kind of disappointed when it's not there.
Times are crazy (but kind of awesome) and I was too distracted while writing this blog to remember what else I was going to say.