May 19, 2008

Tassels on caps and whiskers on kittens

So I graduated last Saturday.

...And it took me two days to actually post anything about it.

Here's my facebook album of pictures from the honors ceremony, capstone, and graduation.

The ceremony was a kind of odd experience- by odd I mean uncomfortable.

1) The area was reaching the end of a heat wave and our cap and gowns were black.
2) It was the second day of that time of the month (yeah yeah, TMI, I know)
3) I got a mysterious cut on my finger and I only had the program to use to clean the blood.
4) Our chairs were too close together for the heat.

On the other hand, I'm not the sort of person who would consider these sort of things completely ruin a situation for me. In fact, I knew during the duration of the ceremony that all of my ailments were just going to make my story later a little more interesting later on.

So when all was said and done, I became a college graduate. It's so weird to think that I'm out of school at least for now.

It's time to start really thinking about JET. One big project I started on yesterday was getting my life sorted into "keep" and "get rid of" boxes. Originally I thought I would have until I left for Japan to get all of this worked out, but I'm actually going to be (sort've) moving before then (it's kind of a long story.) Anyway, I currently have about 4 weeks to get all of these things sorted out.

I've been wanting to go through for AGES and get rid of most of my things simply for the purpose of making my life that much simpler. I figured that moving to Japan in August would be a good chance to do just that.

But still, looking around the room the other day, I keep thinking that I don't want to get rid of things because they were gifts or something. In some cases, I remember being a little kid and making such a huge deal about wanting something, so now I feel bad for not wanting to keep it. (Is that weird??)

I know that being in Japan away from so many of these things, my perceived "attachment" to them will dissolve and so I don't really want to come back to the US to receive boxes full of pointless things.

Anyway, I'm working through that.

In other news-

We found kittens outside last night in our back shed. They were adorable and we were tempted to keep them, but my mom took them to the SPCA today for many good reasons-
1) She's allergic (not deathly, but she was getting a pretty vicious rash last night)
2) I -might- be allergic (again, not deathly, but my nose acts kind of funny if I get too close to cat hair. So one cat might be okay if it doesn't sleep on my bed- four? noooo...)
3) We're going to be moving. (again, I don't really care to go into many details here, but it would be tough on the cats if we took them in)

Not to mention they seemed very content all together in one box and we couldn't keep them all. I know they'll probably get split up at the SPCA, but at least it wouldn't be my fault. Either way, it was fun to have cute little kittens in the house last night. :)

I know they'll be adopted really quick from there because tons of people go to the SPCA this time of year looking for kittens. I should know- I used to volunteer there.

By the way, in response to my brother's request for me to link to his blog, I'm going to start having links to other people's blogs on my page. The thing is, I don't know who's got blogs they wish to be linked to and who doesn't. This question is primarily (exclusively, even, possibly) going to Sam, Bethany, and Aya. I suppose I could also link to myspace blogs- so Krystina as well.

I suppose that's all- enough to explain my silly title, anyway.


Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

Your graduation ceremony was cool because you were graduating. It was lame because during Leon's speech I wasn't sure if you guys were graduating or the democratic party.

Unknown said...

Link blogs how?