February 18, 2008

Catch cup

The title was supposed to be "Catch up", but I wrote "Catch cup" instead.

Boy that sounds wrong.

But I kept it anyway.


So the days following the interview I didn't feel quite present. I was tired, sicky, emotionally crazed, and altogether OFF. I called it my "interview hangover."

But I'm pretty much out of that now.

Funny thing is that I don't remember much of the conversations I've had these past couple of days.

Anyway, I'm pretty much back now.

The interview went well, I think. Well, at first I thought it went not so good, but then people told me that you're supposed to feel like you didn't do very well. So now, I think it probably went pretty well after all.

So, continuing an ongoing "dilemma" from the previous blog, I'm still trying to one-up my current facebook pic.

So today I was trying again and I took a pretty interesting pic--

I call it my "Judy Garland" pic.

It boggles my mind.

But so did my current facebook pic (but differently).

Bethany and I can't decide if it's enough to match my current facebook default.

This pic is some fierce competition.

It's not fair. XP


Anonymous said...

I think it comes really damn close (now that I see them side by side).

Phillip Wessels said...

I can relate to your difficulties. Out of all my camera-whorism, only a select few make it online. :P